Dr. Alexander Birbrair

American Scientific Reports in Clinical Oncology

Editor Name: Dr. Alexander Birbrair

Country: Brazil

University: Federal University of Minas Gerais

Designation: Professor

Department: Department of Pathology

Email:  alexbirb@gmail.com  / birbrair@icb.ufmg.br 


(2016 present) Professor, Department of Pathology, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil. 

(2014 2016) Posdoc, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY, USA, Field of Study: Stem cell biology, Advisor: Paul S. Frenette, MD. 

(2010 2014) Ph.D., Neuroscience Program, Wake Forest School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, NC, USA, Field of Study: Stem cell biology, Advisor: Osvaldo Delbono, Ph.D., MD. 

(2009 2010) Research Scholar, Wake Forest School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, NC, USA, Field of Study: Muscle biology, Advisor: Osvaldo Delbono, Ph.D, MD. 

(2005 - 2009) B.S., Biomedical Science, Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz, UESC, Ilheus, Brazil, Field of Study: Genetics of microorganisms, Advisors: Rachel Passos Rezende, Ph.D. and Joao Carlos Teixeira Dias, Ph.D.


2017. Won the prestigious Instituto Serrapilheira Grant 2017-Call 

2017. Elected Affiliated Member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences 

2015. Recipient of Gordon A. Melson Outstanding Doctoral Student Award for 2015 

2014. Winner of 3-minute thesis (3MT) oral competition (2014 Fourteenth Annual Wake Forest University Graduate Student & Postdoc Research Day)

2013. Awarded with the Glenn/AFAR Scholarship for Research in the Biology of Aging 

2012. Wake Forest University Graduate and Postdoctoral Students Research Day (Troponin T nuclear localization and its role in skeletal muscle aging) (12th annual competition) (First place) (Co-author) 

2008. Metagenome of soil contaminated with petroleum. Scholarship from : Fundade Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado da Bahia (FAPESB), Brazil. 

2006. Best poster (Genetic diversity between isolates of Chromobacterium violaceum) presented in the area of biological sciences during the XII Semin¡rio de Iniciação Científica da Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz UESC, Ilhus Bahia.


1. Paiva AE, Lousado L, Guerra DAP, Azevedo PO, Sena IFG, Andreotti JP, Santos GSP, Gonçalves R, Mintz A, Birbrair A. (2018) Pericytes in the Premetastatic Niche. Cancer Res. 78(11):2779-2786. PMID: 29789421. 

2. Azevedo PO, Paiva AE, Santos GSP, Lousado L, Andreotti JP, Sena IFG, Tagliati CA, Mintz A, Birbrair A. (2018) Cross-talk between lung cancer and bones results in neutrophils that promote tumor progression. Cancer Metastasis Rev. In press. PMID: 30203108. 

3. de Alvarenga EC, Silva WN, Vasconcellos R, Paredes-Gamero EJ, Mintz A, Birbrair A. (2018) Promyelocytic leukemia protein in mesenchymal stem cells is essential for leukemia progression. Ann Hematol. 97(10):1749-1755. PMID: 30069705. 

4. Guerra DAP, Paiva AE, Sena IFG, Azevedo PO, Silva WN, Mintz A, Birbrair A. (2018) Targeting glioblastoma-derived pericytes improves chemotherapeutic outcome. Angiogenesis. In press. PMID: 29761249. 

5. Silva WN, Leonel C, Prazeres PHDM, Sena IFG, Guerra DAP, Heller D, Diniz IMA, Fortuna V, Mintz A, Birbrair A. (2018) Role of Schwann cells in cutaneous wound healing. Wound Repair Regen. In press. PMID: 30098299. 

6. Sena IFG, Paiva AE, Prazeres PHDM, Azevedo PO, Lousado L, Bhutia SK, Salmina AB, Mintz A, Birbrair A. (2018) Glioblastoma-activated pericytes support tumor growth via immunosuppression. Cancer Med. 7(4):1232-1239. PMID: 29479841. 

7. Henriques F, Lopes M, Franco F, Knobl P, Santos K, Bueno L, Correa V, Bedard A, Guilherme A, Birbrair A, Peres S, Farmer S, Batista ML Jr. (2018) Toll-Like Receptor-4 Disruption Suppresses Adipose Tissue Remodeling and Increases Survival During Cancer Cachexia Syndrome. Scientific Reports. In press. 

8. Birbrair A. (2018) Pericyte Biology: Development, Homeostasis and Disease. Adv Exp Med Biol. In press. 

9. Santos GSP, Magno LAV, Romano-Silva MA, Mintz A, Birbrair A. (2018) Pericytes plasticity in the brain. Neuroscience Bulletin. In press. 

10. Prazeres PHDM, Turquetti AOM, Azevedo PO, Barreto RSN, Miglino MA, Mintz A, Delbono O, Birbrair A. (2018) Perivascular cell αv integrins as a target to treat skeletal muscle fibrosis. Int J Biochem Cell Biol. In press. PMID: 29627438. 

11. Andreotti JP, Paiva AE, Prazeres PHDM, Guerra DAP, Silva WN, Vaz RS, Mintz A, Birbrair A. (2018) The role of natural killer cells in the uterine microenvironment during pregnancy. Cell Mol Immunol. In press. PMID: 29572543. 

12. Andreotti JP, Prazeres PHDM, Magno LAV, Romano-Silva MA, Mintz A, Birbrair A. (2018) Neurogenesis in the postnatal cerebellum after injury. Int J Dev Neurosci. In press. PMID: 29555564. 

13.Silva WN, Prazeres PHDM, Paiva AE, Lousado L, Turquetti AOM, Barreto RSN, de Alvarenga EC, Miglino MA, Gonçalves R, Mintz A, Birbrair A. (2018) Macrophage-derived GPNMB accelerates skin healing. Exp Dermatol. In press. PMID: 29505115. 

14. Costa MA, Paiva AE, Andreotti JP, Cardoso MV, Cardoso CD, Mintz A, Birbrair A. (2018) Pericytes constrict blood vessels after myocardial ischemia. J Mol Cell Cardiol. In press. PMID: 29371134. 

15. Andreotti JP, Lousado L, Magno LAV, Birbrair A. (2017) Hypothalamic Neurons Take Center Stage in the Neural Stem Cell Niche. Cell Stem Cell. 21(3):293-294. PMID: 28886362. 

16. Guerra DAP, Paiva AE, Sena IFG, Azevedo PO, Batista ML Jr, Mintz A, Birbrair A. (2017) Adipocytes role in the bone marrow niche. Cytometry A. In press. PMID: 29236351. 

17. Azevedo PO, Sena IFG, Andreotti JP, Carvalho-Tavares J, Alves-Filho JC, Cunha TM, Cunha FQ, Mintz A, Birbrair A. (2017) Pericytes modulate myelination in the central nervous system. J Cell Physiol. In press. PMID: 29215724. 

18. Birbrair A. (2017) Stem Cell Microenvironments and Beyond. Adv Exp Med Biol. 1041:1-3. PMID: 29204825. 

19. Santos GSP, Prazeres PHDM, Mintz A, Birbrair A. (2017) Role of pericytes in the retina. Eye (Lond). In press. PMID: 29125148.

20. Prazeres PHDM, Almeida VM, Lousado L, Andreotti JP, Paiva AE, Santos GSP, Azevedo PO, Souto L, Almeida GG, Filev R, Mintz A, Gonçalves R, Birbrair A. (2017).  Macrophages Generate Pericytes in the Developing Brain. Cell Mol Neurobiol. 38(4):777-782. PMID: 28894964.

21. Sena IFG, Prazeres PHDM, Santos GSP, Borges IT, Azevedo PO, Andreotti JP, Almeida VM, Paiva AE, Guerra DAP, Lousado L, Souto L, Mintz A, Birbrair A. (2017) LepR+ cells dispute hegemony with Gli1+ cells in bone marrow fibrosis. Cell Cycle. In press. PMID: 28976809. 

22. Paiva AE, Lousado L, Almeida VM, Andreotti JP, Santos GSP, Azevedo PO, Sena IFG, Prazeres PHDM, Borges IT, Azevedo V, Mintz A, Birbrair A. (2017) Endothelial cells as precursors for osteoblasts in the metastatic prostate cancer bone. Neoplasia. 19(11):928-931. PMID: 28957694. 

23. Lousado L, Prazeres PHDM, Andreotti JP, Paiva AE, Azevedo PO, Santos GSP, Filev R, Mintz A, Birbrair A. (2017) Schwann cell precursors as a source for adrenal gland chromaffin cells. Cell Death and Disease. 8(10):e3072. PMID: 28981120. 

24. Almeida VM, Paiva AE, Sena IFG, Mintz A, Magno LAV, Birbrair A. (2017) Pericytes make spinal cord breathless after injury. Neuroscientist. In press. PMID: 29283016. 

25. Azevedo PO, Lousado L, Paiva AE, Andreotti JP, Santos GSP, Sena IFG, Prazeres PHDM, Filev R, Mintz A, Birbrair A. (2017) Endothelial cells maintain neural stem cells quiescent in their niche. Neuroscience. 363:62-65. PMID: 28893649. 

26. Coatti GC, Frangini M, Valadares MC, Gomes JP, Lima NO, Cavaçana N, Assoni AF, Pelatti MV, Birbrair A, de Lima ACP, Singer JM, Rocha FMM, Da Silva GL, Mantovani MS, Macedo-Souza LI, Ferrari MFR, Zatz M. (2017) Pericytes Extend Survival of ALS SOD1 Mice and Induce the Expression of Antioxidant Enzymes in the Murine Model and in IPSCs Derived Neuronal Cells from an ALS Patient. Stem Cell Reviews and Reports. 13:686-698. PMID: 28710685. 

27. Sena IFG, Prazeres PHDM, Santos GSP, Borges IT, Azevedo PO, Andreotti JP, Almeida VM, Paiva AE, Guerra DAP, Lousado L, Souto L, Mintz A, Birbrair A. (2017) Identity of Gli1+ cells in the bone marrow. Exp Hematol. 54:12-16. PMID: 28690072. 

28. Borges I, Sena I, Azevedo P, Andreotti J, Almeida V, Paiva A, Santos G, Guerra D, Prazeres P, Mesquita LL, Silva LSB, Leonel C, Mintz A, Birbrair A. (2017) Lung as a Niche for Hematopoietic Progenitors. Stem Cell Reviews and Reports. 13: 567-574. PMID: 28669077. 

29. Birbrair A, Borges IDT, Gilson Sena IF, Almeida GG, da Silva Meirelles L, Gonçalves R, Mintz A, Delbono O. (2017) How Plastic Are Pericytes? Stem Cells Dev. 26(14):1013-1019. PMID: 28490256. 

33. Dias Moura Prazeres PH, Sena IFG, Borges IDT, de Azevedo PO, Andreotti JP, de Paiva AE, de Almeida VM, de Paula Guerra DA, Pinheiro Dos Santos GS, Mintz A, Delbono O, Birbrair A. (2017) Pericytes are heterogeneous in their origin within the same tissue. Dev Biol. 427(1):6-11. PMID: 28479340.


1. Birbrair A. (2017). Stem Cell Microenvironments and Beyond. 1. ed. Springer Nature. Print ISBN: 978-3-319-69193-0. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-69194-7

2. Birbrair A. (2018). Pericyte Biology €“ Novel Concepts. 1. ed. Springer Nature. ISBN: 978-3-030-02601-1. In press.


1. Birbrair A, Debisnki W (2011) Are glioma stem cells for real? Neuroscience tutorial, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC. 

2. Birbrair A (2012) Mobilizing a newly discovered neural-like stem cell against glioblastoma. 9th Annual Retreat of the Brain Tumor Center of Excellence, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, NC 

3. Birbrair A, Delbono O (2013) Pericyte Heterogeneity in Tissue Repair with Aging.  WFU Pepper Center External Advisory Board meeting, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, NC.


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