Open Access

Publishing open access with us means


Global visibility: Indexing in major bibliographic databases such as PubMed and Web of Science ensures your research is easy to find and cite

Prestige: our journals are recognized through the trusted brand and many are co-owned or affiliated with reputable learned societies

Quality: ASR journals have a dedicated Editor-in-Chief and international editorial board to ensure rigorous peer review and the highest scientific publishing standards

Impact: More than a third of our indexed journals rank within the top 10 of their category. Our journals publish some of the world’s most influential research affecting public discourse and policy making.


Open access (OA) refers to online research outputs that are free of all restrictions on access (e.g. access tolls) and free of many restrictions on use (e.g. certain copyright and license restrictions). Open access can be applied to all forms of published research output, including peer-reviewed and non peer-reviewed academic journal articles, conference papers, theses, book chapters, and monographs.


Authors and Researchers

Authors may use form language like this to request an open access license when submitting their work to a publisher. The main reason authors make their articles openly accessible is to maximize their research impact. A study in 2001 first reported an open access citation impact advantage, and a growing number of studies have confirmed, with varying degrees of methodological rigor, that an open access article is more likely to be used and cited than one behind subscription barriers. Performance Index (API) Score. Because of the free access open access journals impact factors are improving.


Open Access journals are the major source of knowledge for young and aspiring generations who are keen in pursuing a career in sciences. This system provides easy access to networks of scientific journals. Authors that contribute their scholarly works to Open Access journals gain remarkable reputation as the research scholarly explore these works extensively. This process assures considerable impact factor for the journal and reputation to the authors that add value to their Academic.


This is provision also meant to transmit and link to the subsequent publications in the same domain. Open access journal articles are essentially peer-reviewed and available for access through the directory of Open Access journals. This enables the fellow researchers of the latest updates and findings. The digital peer reviewed journals cover the novel and current scientific studies taking place across universities and research centers in various parts of the world.

This leads to limitless and hassle-free dissemination of knowledge, as per the provisions of Bethesda Statement, which implies that, the transmission of digital content should be circulated among subscribers and readers without copyright restrictions. Each open access journal delivers the latest updates in the respected research area in various formats so that subscribers can access the same through various options.


The importance of Peer-reviewed open access journals has also grown in modern learning environment as most of the students need a swift and instant access to published research work free of cost. A quality tracking system handles the articles submitted by various authors based on quality-checking for originality and consistency for subsequent approval.


Research Funders and Universities:

Research funding agencies and universities want to ensure that the research they fund and support in various ways has the greatest possible research impact. As a means of achieving this, research funders are beginning to expect open access to the research they support.


Libraries and Librarians

As information professionals, librarians are vocal and active advocates of open access. These librarians believe that open access promises to remove both the price barriers and the permission barriers that undermine library efforts to provide access to the scholarly record.


Benefits of Open Access



Give a global audience immediate and easy access to your research increasing the visibility of your work.



Reach new audiences and policy makers; demonstrate the real-world application and impact of your work.



Easily comply with funder, institution or employer mandates. 



Open access routes to suit your budget, discipline, funder requirements or manuscript format. Pay your article/book processing charge directly or through institutional vouchers. 



Manuscripts are rigorously peer-reviewed and a growing number of our journals are listed in the DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals).



Your work can be reused in a variety of ways with the liberal Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0.).



All journal and eBook content is digitally and permanently preserved. 



Content is tagged and enhanced metadata makes sure your work is indexed in a variety of discovery systems.



Our experienced editors and editorial boards are on hand to support you throughout the publishing process. 

Indexing Partners
