Dr. Giulio Tarro

Editor Name: Dr. GiulioTarro


Designation: Professor of Oncological Virology


Country: Italy


University: Foundation T. & L. de Beaumont Bonelli for cancer research


Email: gitarro@tin.it




Giulio Tarro graduated from Medicine School, Naples University (1962). Research Associate, Division of Virology and Cancer Research, Children’s Hospital (1965-1968), Assistant Professor of Research Pediatrics, College Medicine (1968-1969), Cincinnati University, Ohio. Oncological Virology Professor, Naples University (1972-1985). Chief Division Virology (1973-2003), Head Department Diagnostic Laboratories, (2003-2006). D. Cotugno Hospital for Infectious Diseases, Naples; Emeritus, 2006 -. Since 2007 Chairman Committee of Biotechnologies and VirusSphere, World Academy Biomedical Technologies, UNESCO, Adjunct Professor Department Biology, Temple University, College of Science and Technology, Philadelphia, recipient of the Sbarro Health Research Organization lifetime achievement award (2010). President Foundation de Beaumont Bonelli for Cancer Research. His basic researches have been concerned with antigens induced early during the replication cycle of human herpesviruses. Another study has involved the identification, isolation and characterization of specific virus-induced tumour antigens, which were the "finger-prints" left behind in human cancer.Achievements include patents in field; discovery of Respiratory Syncytial Virus in infant deaths in Naples and of tumor liberated protein as a tumor associated antigen, 55 kilodalton protein overexpressed in lung tumors and other epithelial adenocarcinomas.


1.        Recherchessur le mechanismed'action d'un groupe de medicaments aactivitéantivirale (produitschetoaldéhydiques du diphényle et leurderivés): Facteurs qui interferentsurleuractivitéprotectrice in vivo. (with F. Magrassi, P. Altucci et al.). III Internat.Congr. Of Chemotherapy – Stutgart, July 1963. Proceedings, pag. 783 (1964).

2.        Studies on the mechanism of antiviral activity of ketoaldehydederivates of biphenyl. (with F. Magrassi, P. Altucci et al.) International “Symposium on non specific resistance to virus infection, Interferon and viral chemotherapy” Smolenice, September 1964. Chemotherapia 9, 341, 1964.

3.        Studies on the mechanism of antiviral activity of biphenyl ketoaldeydes. (with F. Magrassi, p. Altucci et al.) Proceedings of the Fourth Congress of the Hungarian Association of Microbiologists AkadémiaiKiado Budapest 1964, pag. 11.

4.        Properties of an avirulent influenza A virus variant derived from drug treated mice infected with PR8 virus. (with F. Magrassi, et al.) In “Antimicrobial Agent and Chemotherapy” pag 605 (1965).

5.        Properties of an avirulent influenza A virus variant derived from drug treated mice infected with PR8 virus. (with F. Magrassi, et al.) Arch. ges. Virusforsch, 18, 422, 1966.

6.        Effect of Streptovitacin A on replication of RNA virus (poliovirus). Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 126, 535. 1967.

7.        Virus Specific, Labile, Nonvirion Antigen in Herpes Virus Infected Cells. (with A. B. Sabin) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S. 65, 753, 1970.

8.        Increase in Preexisting Cellular Antigen Combining Groups al Different Times after Infection with Different Viruses. (with A. Sabin) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S. 67, 731, 1970.

9.        Studies on the mechanism of antiviral activity of Ketoaldheidederivates of bifhenil. (with F. Magrassi et al.) Rev. roum. d'inframicobiol. 5, 275, 1968.

10.      Effect of two methisazone derivatives on herpes simplex virus replication. (with P. Mastroeni). VII Intern. Congress of Chemoterapy, August 1971 Avicenum, Czechoslovak Medical Press, Praga, pag. 273.

11.      Soluble Membrane Antigens of Lip and Cervical carcinomas: Reactivity with Antibody for HerpesvirusNonvirion Antigens. (with A.C. Hollinshead) Science 179, 698, 1973.

12.      Apperance in Trypsinized Normal Cells of Reactivity with Antibody Presumably Specific for Malignant Cells. Proc. Nat Acad. Sci. USA 70, 325, 1973.

13.      Nonvirion Antigens Produced by Herpes Simplex Viruses I and 2. (with A. B. Sabin) Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA, 70, 1032, 1973.

14.      Herpes Simplex and Herpes Genitalis Virus in Etiology of Some Human Cancers. (with A. B. Sabin) Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA, A70, 3225, 1973.

15.      Studies of Tumor-specific and Herpes Virus Non virion Antigens. (with A. Hollinshead et al.) Cancer Res. 34, 1122, 1974.

16.      Characterization of herpesvirus non virion antigens: relation to squamous cell carcinomas.(with A. Hollinshead, W. Rawls e P. Chretien) In E. Kurstak and R. Morriset (ed) “Viral Immunodiagnosis”, Academic Press, New York, 1974.

17.      Soluble Membrane Antigens of Lip and Cervical carcinomas: Reactivity with Antibody for HerpesvirusNonvirion Antigens. (with A.C. Hollinshead) Year Book of Cancer 1974.

18.      Analysis and Description of Procedures Used in the Study of the Relationship of Herpes Simplex “Nonvirion” Antigens to Certain Cancers. In C. de Thé, M. A. Epstein, H. zur Hansen (ed.) “Oncogenesis and Herpesviruses” I.A.R.C., Lyon 1975.

19.      Preliminary studies of nonvirion antigens associated with Herpes Simplex virus 1 and 2 (HSV-1- HSV-2) (with Accini R. et al.) Boll. Ist. Sieroter. Milanese 55, 120 1976

20.      Herpes Simplex virus nuclear non virion antigens detected by anticomplement immunofluorescence (with Giordano C. et al.) Tumori 62 (6) 609, 1976

21.      Herpes Simplex virus tumour associated antigens in cancer patients (with Di Gioia M. et al.) Tumori 62 (6) 615, 1976

22.      Cell-mediated immunity to Herpes Simplex virus types 1 and 2 antigens in leucoplakia and carcinoma in man. (with E. J. Shillitoe, T. Lehner) Oncology 33, 192, 1976.

23.      Detection of early antigens in nuclei of cells infected by cytomegalovirus, Herpes Simplex type 1 and 2 by anticomplement immunofluorescence and blocking assay to demonstrate their specifity.(with G. Giraldo, E. Beth, U. Hammerling, F.M. Kourilsky)Int. J. Cancer 19, 17, 1977.

24.      Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay for Herpes Simplex Virus Tumor-associated Antigen. (with R. Cocchiara et al.) Cancer 45, 938, 1980.

25.      An Immune Enzymatic Assay for Purified Tumor Associated antigen of Herpes Simplex Virus.(in coll.) Cellular and Molecular Biology 25, 329, 1980.

26.      Purification of Herpes Virus Tumor Associated Antigen from Human Kidney Carcinoma. (with R. Cocchiara et al.) Cancer 46, 1594, 1980.

27.      Foreword of the proceedings of the First International Congress of Viral Oncology The role of Virus in Human Cancer, vol. 1 Elsevier, North Holland, 1980.

28.      Herpes Simplex Virus Tumor Associated Antigen (HSV-TAA) Detected by the Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA). in The Role of Viruses in Human Cancer, vol. 1, Giraldo e Beth Editori, Elsevier North Holland inc., pag. 108, 1980.

29.      Il TAF test: unnuovometodo per la diagnosi di alcunitumori. RivistaMedicadellaSvizzeraItaliana 45, 245, 1980

30.      Monoclonal Antibodies to Herpes Simplex Virus Tumor Associated Antigen. (with A. Karpas e T. Wheeler) International Workshop on Herpesviruses Soc. EdizioniEsculapio, Bologna 1981, pag. 232.

31.      Circulating Immunocomplexes (CIC) in Sera of Patients with Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) - Associated carcinomas. (in coll.) International Workshop on Herpesviruses Soc. EdizioniEsculapio, Bologna 1981, pag. 236.

32.      Traitment de la herpetique avec le metiseprinol. Aspect clinique et histologique (with Gorgone G., Cavallaro N., Scaletta S., Carnazza S., Ricci M., Gala Trinchera G., Cordaro S.) Bull. Soc. BelgeOphtal. 192 113-123 1981

33.      Perspectives and limits of an immunoenzymatic assay (ELISA) for Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) Tumor-Associated Antigen (TAA). Cancer Detection and Prevenction 4, 47, 1981.

34.      An immunoenzymatic assay for herpes simplex virus tumour associated antigen in gynaecological oncology (with Magli G., Scimone C., Flaminio G., D’Alessandro G., Mascolo A., Magli R., Saladino I.) Eur. J. Gynaec. Oncol. 1982 ISSN: 0392.2936.III.2

35.      Further Studies on an Immunoenzymatic Assay for Heres Simplex Virus-Tumor Associated Antigen. (in coll.) Clin. Immunol. Immunopath.. 25, 126, 1982.

36.      Human tumor antigens inducing in vivo delayed hypersensitivity and in vitro mitogenic activity. (with A. Pederzini et al.) Oncology 40, 248, 1983.

37.      As above Immunomodulation amd Therapy in Cancer (with Pedercini A. et al.) ed. H.H. Fuderberg, P. Pontiggia, C. Ogler, ActaMedica edit. Congressi 1983, pag. 307

38.      Virological Investigation of Young Children with Acute Respiratory Syndrome Associated with Respiratory Synctyal Virus (RSV). (in coll.) in Medical Virology II, Editor L.M. de La Maza, E.M.. Peterson Elseiver Biomedical, 1983, p. 402.

39.      Quantitative Determination of Human CMV IgG Antibodies by solid phase enzyme immunoassay: comparison with CF test. (in coll.) in Medical Virology II - Editor L.M. de La Maza, E.M.. Peterson Elseiver Biomedical, 1983, p.392.

40.      Correlation between immune complexes and Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) Tumor Associated Antigen (TAA) in Human Cancer Sera. (with others) Cellular and molecular biology 29, 394, 1983.

41.      The role of herpes simplex virus in the neoplastic pathologies and diagnostic markers. J. Exp. Clin. Cancer Res. 4 (2),213, 1985.

42.      Serological and Virological Investigations of Young Children with Acute respiratory Syndrome Associated with Respiratory Syncytial Virus. Diagnostic Microbiology and Infection Disease 3 (1), 81, 1985.

43.      The pathogenesis of malignant tumors X Dies Italico-IugoslaviciMedicinaedestinati, Lugnano, 1985

44.      Screening haemodialysis patients for infection with human immune deficiency virus (HIV). Journal of Infection 14, 1987, pag. 229.

45.      Absence of risk of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in recipients of hepatitis B vaccine. Eur. J. Epidem. 3, 1987, pag. 323.

46.      Viruses and immunodeficiences. “Regulation of Mammalian Cell Growth”, Capri 27-9/2-10-87, pag. VIR 9, Ciba-Geigy.

47.      Monoclonal antibody for tumor associated antigens induced by Herpes Simplex Virus. Advances in Management of Malignancies, Proceedings of an international congress, Ascoli Piceno, 3/6-5-1988.

48.      Laboratory methods for diagnosis of AIDS. Significance of sierological markers (with others) Giornaleitaliano di patologiaclinica 3 (6) 1988, pag. 393

49.      Search for tumour antigens to be used for active specific immunotherapy. Abstract book of the 2nd Internationl Congress “Advance in Management of Malignannces, Ascoli Piceno 28/5-1/6/1990 pag. 36

50.      Histochemistry and Immunolohistochemistry in the diagnosis of prostatic carcinoma (with others) Abstract book of the 2nd International Congress “Advances in Management of Malignancies”, Ascoli Pisceno, 28/5-1/6-1990, pag. 93

51.      Epidemiological, serological, evolution aspects of HIV infection and related malignancies within Naples area (Jan '86-Dec. '89). Abstract book of the 2nd International Congress “Advances in Management of Malignancies”, Ascoli Pisceno, 28/5-1/6-1990, pag. 19.

52.      Methoden in vitro alstierversuchersatzbeiimmunologishenstudien. in AA.VV. “Artze fur Die Abschaffung der Tierversuche” Bern 1990, p. 77 (German); p. 167 (French); p. 255 (Italian).

53.      Neutralization test and antibody titers in AIDS (with Valguarmera G. et al.) ClinicaEuropea 30 (2) June 1991

54.      HIV Infection and Serological Response (with Esposito C. et al.) Biochimicaclinica 15, 1991

55.      Seroepidemiologicpatten of HCV infection in Campania during the first six months 1992. (with C. Esposito et al..) Abstract, Journal of Hepatology supplement 1 to vol, 17, 5028, 1992

56.      Screening of HTLV-1 infection drug addicts from Campania region. Advances in Management of Malignancies Pisa, 6/10-12, 1993, pag.33 BIOS Ed.

57.      Lung carcinoma histopatholocic approaches for a prognostic valuation (with others) Advances in Management of Malignancies Pisa 6/10- 12/1995 pag. 237 BIOS ed.

58.      Antigenic regions of tumour liberated protein complexes and antibodies against the same (with. Marshak DR et al) In Third International Congress. Advances in Management of Malignancies. Pisa, Italy 6/10 December 1993 Biomed &Pharmacother 47:237

59.      VomAnthropozentrismuszurAntivisektion: Tierschtzheute und Jurassic Park. Proceedings of International Medical Congress, Lugano 20-11-93. LIMAV, pag. 195 Ed. ASTRA/AG STG March 1995.

60.      Passive immunotherapy in AIDS patients RivistaItaliana di RicercheMediche e Chirurigiche Anno III vol. 3 n. 3 September 1995 pag. 11

61.      Anti-TLP antibodies in lung cancer patients. (with C. Esposito et al.) Internal Medicine Clinical and Laboratory 5 191-194, 1997.

62.      The Genoma Project: Ethical implications in oncology. In: Internal Medicine Clinical and Laboratory 6 67-72, 1998

63.      Immunoistochemical characterization of tumour liberated particles (TLP) expression pattern in

64.      lung cancer. (with Giordano A. et al.) Anticancer Res 18:2365-2370, 1998

65.      Los derechos de los animalesActasCongreso medico international LIMAV Madrid Mayo 1997 ARTA STG enero 1998

66.      Effect of Bergarital on virus replication RivistaItaliana di ricercheMediche e ChirurgicheEditrice Doctor’s Anno VI n. 2/4 aprile/dicembre 1998

67.      Neoangiogenesis and prognosis in lung cencer (with A. Perna et al.) Internal Medicine Clinical and Laboratory 7 111-113, 1999

68.      Tumor liberated protein (TLP). Its potential for diagnosis and therapy. Anticancer Res 19: 1755-1758, 1999

69.      Immunità da Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) (with others) Proceedings of International Workshop on Viruses Immunities and Diseases, Naples, October 1999

70.      AIMS and Perspectives for Tumor Liberated Protein (TLP) Proceding of the Joint International Cancer Conference “New Dimension in Cancer Biology on Therapy” Edition H. Ozer, K. Khalili, G.C. Giordano

71.      As above Riv It Ric. Med Chir 7:43-46 1999

72.      Vom Tumor freigesetzeProteine: NeuerWendepunkt fur Diagnose und TherapieohneNotwendigkeit von Tierversuchen. HumanmedizinohneTierversuche: Die Artzehaben das wort. Berlin Mai 1999, ASTRA – AG STG pagg. 67-74

73.      Overview of the Lung Tumor Liberated Protein (TLP): Characterization of Genetic Immunologic Profile Internal Medicine Clinical and Laboratory 8 33-38, 2000

74.      Immunochemical evaluation of endothelal damage by angioinvasivity. (withPerna A, et al.) Int J. Clin Invest 9 :31-33, 2001

75.      Production and characterization of anti-TLP derived peptide RTNKZEASIC) monoclonal antibodies. (with Esposito C. et al.) Int Med 9:55-61, 2001

76.      Characterization of a Fragment Containing a Putative TLP DNA Sequence. Anticancer Research, 22: 2693-6, 2002

77.      UCV genotypes and antibodies reactivity what's relation? Journal of Hepathology Suppl. n.1, Vol.30, 1999 pag.209. (with C. Esposito, F. Morelli, N. Cuomo, A. Di Spirito)

78.      Evaluation of a new test for the determination of the genotypes HCV JournaI or Clinical Virology, 22/2: 174, 2002

79.      Hepatopaty and oxidative stress: clinical study on the efficacy of the depatoxInt..Clin. Invest. 1 : 15 -18, 2003

80.      Determination of the HBV polymerasis gene mutation in HBV ECA patients treated and naive. (with Esposito C. et al.) Journal of Clinical Virology suppl. August 12 27 2003,

81.      Progress and new hope in the fight against cancer: novel developments in early detection of lung cancer.(with C. Esposito), in InternaI Medicine 10 7-11, 2002

82.      Extracorporeal Whole Body Hyperthermia in the treatment of C Hepatitis.IJCIInt..Clin. Invest. XII 1 – 4, 9 -10, 2004

83.      Stem cells. State of art and perspectives. Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy 58 463-464, 2004

84.      Early diagnosis of lung cancer by detection of Tumour Liberated Protein Journal of Cellular Physiol 203 1-5, 2005

85.      Biomolecular Markers of breast Cancer (with A. Nicolini and A. Carpi). Frontiers in Bioscience(United States), 2006, 11 pag. 1818-43

86.      New hope in early detection of NSCL cancer

87.      New Research Communications on Tumor Markers

88.      Nova Publisher, New York, N.Y., in press

89.      TLP in Screening, early diagnosis and follow up of NSCLC Int. J. Clin. Invest. 3-4; 75 – 82, 2006

90.      Tumor Liberated Protein from Lung Concer and Perspectives for Immunotherapy Journal of Cellular Physiology, 221: 26-30, 2009.

91.      Consideration on Epidemic Flu Viruses. (Int. J. Clin. Invest., 29 (1-2): 2009.

92.      Preface to lose weight without misteries will the Progressive Swing Diet by Michele D’Antoni, iUniverse, Inc. New York bloomingtore, 2009. Not any longer sick children: prevention of viral diseases in pregnancy. WABT Congress, Budapest Dec 10-12, 2010 – Book for Life Foundation.

93.      GiulioTarro U.S. National Library of Medicine - National Institute of Health – National Center for Biotechnology Information, Pub Med EN/IT. Chiron, Settembre 2010.

94.      Emerging Viral Agent at Risk in Global Health Approciates to Early Diagnosis and Prompt Therapy, con C. Esposito. BIOCOMP 11: July 18-21, 2011, Las Vegas, Nevada (USA) CS REA Press.

95.      Lung Cancer Proteomics: Recent Advances in Biomarkers Discovery, con P. Indovina, E. Marcelli, P. Maranta. International Journal of Proteomics Vol. 2011 Article ID 726869, 7 pages.

96.      Mass – spectrometry based proteomic the road to lung cancer biomarker discovering Predictive, Preventive and Personalized Medicine (PPPM) con P. Indovina, E. Marcelli, F. Pentimalli, P. Tanganelloed A. Giordano. Mass – spectrometry Reviews, Springer SMA Journal: PPPM in Cancer 2012.

97.      VirusSphere, Doctor Mag, The Medical Web Magazine.

98.      Peptide Search in the Tumor Liberated Protein (TLP) from Non Small Cell Lung (NSCL) Cancer.

99.      BIT’s 4th Annual World Congress of BioSoft, March 23-25, 2012, Beijing China.

100.   Search in the Tumor Liberated Protein (TLP) for Specific Peptides of Non Small Cell Lung (NSCL) Cancer. BIOCOMP 12: July 16-19, 2012, Las Vegas, Nevada (USA) CS REA Press.

101.   Tracking the 2009 H1N1 Influenza Virus in the Italian Region Campania, con C. Esposito, A. Di Spirito et al. Journal of Cellular Physiology Vol 227: 2813-2817, July 2012.

102.   TLP Sequenced and Studied for its Functions with Targets Diagnostic and Therapeutic, G. Tarro. Advanced Studies in Biology, Vol 5, n. 5, 191-198, 2013 HIKARI Ltd.

103.   From Sequence of Tumor Liberated Protein (TLP) to Function and Potential Targets for Diagnosis and Therapy, G. Tarro. BIOCOMP 11: July 2013, Las Vegas, Nevada (USA) CS REA Press

104.   Origin of the Viruses and their Evolutionary History, G. Tarro. Advanced Studies in Biology, Vol 5, n. 9, 423-430, 2013 HIKARI Ltd.

105.   New Development on Tumor associated Antigen with specific target toward Lung Cancer, G. Tarro. International Journal of Research in Medical and Health Sciences, Vol. 4, Issue 2, ISSN 2307-2083, 29 June 2014.

106.   Viral Latency, Molecular Pathogenesis and Malignancy, G. Tarro. Global Journal of Science Frontier Research © Vol. XIV, Issue III, Vers. I, 2014.

107.   L’epidemia da virus Ebola. www.assis.it , 27 agosto 2014.

108.   Micoplasmi e micoplasmosi: 20 annidopo, G. Tarro, P. Altucci. Estratto da IlPoliclinico – sez. Pratica, vol. 121 – N. 9, Settembre 2014, pagg. 229-245.

109.   Ruolodell’Etio-patogenesi in MedicinaInterna. P. Altucci e G. Tarro. PoliclinicoSez. Med. 2014; 121: 61-81.

110.   Migratory Phenomenons, Biothics and Vaccinations Advances in Microbiology (accepted Sept 2015) in cod 8 I. F. = 0,94.

111.   Bergamot (Citrus bergamiaRisso and Poitean) Essential Oil,. Peel and Juice: a Review of Antimicrobiol, Anti-inflemmatory and other Medicinal Properties with Paolo Morabito et al. Clin. Microb. Rev. (accepted Sept 2015) in c.d.p. I.F. = 17.

112.   Lights and shadows of vaccinations. J of Vaccine Research and Development in c.d.p.

113.   Exegesis of Sabin poliovaccine in terms of medical science. J of Vaccine Research and Development in press.

114.   Le ombredell’immunoprofilassi. BollettinoOrdine M.C. e O. Napoli, anno 85 n. 7 pagg. 12-13, dicembre 2015.

115.   Anti-Rhinovirus Activity of Ethyl1 4-(3-(2-(3-Methylisoxazol-5-Y1) Etthoxy) Propoxy) Benzoate (EMEB). Pharma Anal Acta 2016, 7:469.


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