Jasmina Arsenijevic

American Scientific Reports in Neurological Disorders

Editor Name: Jasmina Arsenijevic


Designation: Professor


Country: Serbia

Tel: +381 63 8264-878,


University: Preschool Institutions of Serbia


Email: arsenijevicjasmina@gmail.com 


Biography: Jasmina Arsenijevic was born in 1980 in Belgrade, Serbia. She defended PhD thesis Development of knowledge management models in higher education institutions, in 2008, BracaKaric University at the Faculty of Entrepreneurial Studies in Novi Sad, Serbia. She currently works as a college professor at the Pre-School Teacher Training College in Kikinda, but has worked as an assistant professor at the International University in Novi Pazar, Serbia, at the Department of Pedagogical and Psychological Sciences, as a professor of undergraduate, master's and doctoral studies from 2017 to 2019. She was also assistant professor at the Faculty of Management in Novi Sad, University Economics Academy in Novi Sad, Serbia and assistant professor at the Faculty of Entrepreneurial Management, University Braca Karic in Novi Sad, Serbia, from 2008 to 2010.


As a consultant of The Institute of Educational Improvent, Serbia, she has been working since 2010 as a member of the commission for accreditation of national educational seminars for professional development of teachers, associates, educators and school principals; and a member of the commission for accreditation of scientific conferences.


She was an keynote speaker at 4 scientific conferences: International Research Conference “Innovative Potential of Educational Space Subjects in The Conditions of Education Modernization” in 2013, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia; International Conference "Economics and Management - Based on New Technologies in 2014, Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia; International scientific conference Age of Knowledge in 2015, Sremski Karlovc, Faculty of Management, University „Economics Academy and the First Congress of Professional Workers of Preschool Institutions of Serbia - SRPUS 2015 in Belgrade. Serbia.


She is an author of more than 100 scientific papers at international conferences and journals, two monographs of national and two monographs of international importance and several papers published in prominent international journals. She works as a member of the program and organizational committees of international scientific conferences and a reviewer and a member of the editorial board of several international journals: Journal of Management Research", "Online Journal of Education Research, "Education Research and Reviews", "Educational Research", "British Journal of Education, Society & Behavioral Science", "Croatian Journal of Education", etc. She was the editor of the collection of abstracts and proceedings of the international conference "Competences of Preschool Teachers in Knowledge Society", and the president of the organizing committee of the international scientific conference "Competences of Preschool Teachers in Knowledge Society" from 2013 to 2017.

She is a scientific researcher in the interdisciplinary scientific research project no. 47020 "Digital and Media Technologies and Socio-Educational Change", finansed from the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia. since 2011.




1. Arsenijević Olja, Arsenijević Jasmina, Bulatović Goran (2013) Nivoi tolerancije prema promenama u visokom obrazovanju u Srbiji. Savladavanjem barijera do uspešnog sprovođenja promena u organizacijama. Sremski Karlovci: Fakultet za menadžment, str. 230-243.

1. Arsenijević Jasmina, Andevski Milica (2012) Novi mediji kao pravac razvoja kompetencija zaposlenih u predškolskom obrazovanju. Kultura, 135, 28-48.

2. Andevski Milica, Arsenijević Jasmina, Tomić Mirjana (2014) Profesionalno usavršavanje direktora škola – iskustva iz prakse. Profesionalnousavršavanjedirektoraškola, Pedagoškastvarnost, 4 (60), 692-706.

3. Arsenijević Jasmina, Andevski Milica (2016) Educational Community: Among The Real And Virtual Civic Initiative. Research in Pedagogy 1 (6): 1-12.

4. Arsenijević Jasmina (2015) Kolektivna inteligencija kao društveni potencijal. Kultura 146, 203-220. 

5. Arsenijević Jasmina (2016) PrikazianalizaknjigePlitkoNikolasa Kara.Kultura 150: 339-345. 

6. Arsenijević Jasmina (2008) Upravljanje znanjem – izazovi i mogućnosti, Lider Direktor, 4 (82): 29-31. 

7. Arsenijević Jasmina (2008) U potrazi za značenjem termina, Lider Direktor, 5 (90): 59-61. 

8. Arsenijević Jasmina (2008) Tehnike upravljanja znanjem predavača na visokoškolskim ustanovama, Zbornik radova Visoke škole strukovnih studija za obrazovanje vaspitača u Kikindi, 3: 5-15.

9. Arsenijević Jasmina (2011) Duhovna inteligencija, Zbornik radova Visoke škole strukovnih studija za obrazovanje vaspitača u Kikindi, 6 (1): 54-63.

10. Arsenijević Jasmina, Andevski Milica (2011) Kompetencije vaspitača za upotrebu novih medija i tehnologija, Zbornik radova Visoke škole strukovnih studija za obrazovanje vaspitača u Kikindi. 6 (2): 25-34.

11. Arsenijević Jasmina, Andevski Milica, Arsenijević Olja (2012) Uloge predavača u kontekstu promene paradigme obrazovanja i zahtevima informatičkog i društva znanja.Zbornik radova Visokeškole strukovnih studija za obrazovanje vaspitača u Kikindi 6 (2): 139-161.

12. Arsenijević Jasmina (2012) Kulturna inteligencija – kompetencija za globalno i informatičko društvo. Zbornik radova Visokeškole strukovnih studija za obrazovanje vaspitača u Kikindi 2/2012, Kikinda, str. 27-37.

13. Arsenijević Jasmina (2013) Kolektivna inteligencija. Zbornik VŠSSOV 1/2013, str 27-38.

14. Arsenijević Jasmina, Andevski Milica (2013 – izašlo početkom januara 2015) Sociologija znanja kao forma menadžmenta znanja na Web 2.0. Zbornik VŠSSOV Kikinda 2/2013, str. 9-23. 

15. ArsenijevićJasmina, Dumitrana Magdalena, SorinDuţă D., Paraschiv Roxana (2015) Using Interactive Teaching In Higher Education - A Comparative Study.PsihopedagogiaCopilului 14, 59-74.

16. Andevski Milica, ArsenijevićJasmina (2016) Professional competences of employees in education.PsihopedagogiaCopilului 15, 94-115.



1. Arsenijević Jasmina, Andevski Milica (2013) Participatory Usage of the Web 2.0. Proceedings of the IV International research and practice Conference “Innovative Potential of Educational Space Subjects in The Conditions of Education Modernization”. 21-22nd November. Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia, pp. 224-226. 

2. Arsenijević Jasmina, Andevski Milica (2014) Competition in Education – Pro & Contra.Proceedings from the 3rd International Conference“Economics and Management - Based on New Technologies”. Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia, 12-15 june, pp. 58-67.

3. Arsenijević Jasmina (2015) Od decentralizacije obrazovanja do nastavnika lidera. Zbornik radova sa 13. Međunarodne naučno-stručne konferencije Doba znanja. Sremski Karlovci: Fakultet za menadžment, 25. septembar, str. 32-39.



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